Development on The Fishermen’s Resilience Index Modeling in Indonesia

Yudi Wahyudin 1) 5), Mahipal 2), Muhammad Nur Arkham 3),   Akhamd Solihin 4)

1) Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies, IPB University
2) Faculty of Law, Pakuan University, Bogor
3) Dumai Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic, Dumai
4) Department of Fisheries Utilization, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University, Bogor
5) Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Djuanda University, Bogor

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The fishermen’s resilience index modeling was prepared as an effort to develop a fishermen’s resilience assessment model based on a social ecological system approach. Fishermen have various kinds of obstacles in order to maintain their lives and livelihoods so that they are able to provide adequate catch for their welfare. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an index model that can demonstrate their resilience to the various problems they face.  The fishermen’s resilience index is composed of five composite indexes, namely: (1) Socio-ecological index (ISE), (2) ecological-economic index (IEE), (3) socio-institutional index (ISI), (4) social-index infrastructure (ISF) and (5) Social-safety index (ISH). The Value of Fishermen Endurance Index (IKN) ranges from 0 – 1. The value of IKN is getting closer to value 1, then the resilience of fishermen can be said to be near perfect (very good). .


FRIM, Fishermen, Resilience, Index, Modeling

Contact author: Yudi Wahyudin

Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies, IPB University
IPB Campus Baranangsiang, Pajajaran Street, Bogor, INDONESIA
Email address:


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